It has been a busy curriculum week at Girls Grammar as our middle and senior school students start to turn part of their focus towards 2021. Whilst we have not been in a position to invite parents into the school for formal curriculum information sessions this year, we have been busy talking with your daughters. It has been wonderful to hear our passionate teachers ‘sell’ their subjects. The breadth and depth of available learning is quite remarkable.
Each year we review our curriculum to ensure we are maintaining current best practice and this year has been no different. We are implementing changes across the primary, middle and senior schools for 2021. In the Senior School we will be offering Psychology at Year 12 for the first time and we are reviewing our specialist offerings in the primary school. However, the most significant and exciting changes will be occurring in the transition year between middle and senior schools – Year 10. In 2021, our Year 10 students will have the opportunity to take a preparatory senior year with far more elective choice than ever before. For the first time, students will be able to try ‘Unit 0’ courses in subjects including Legal Studies and Ancient and Modern History. This will allow us to now offer direct lead in courses to ‘Unit 1’ for all 25 of our senior subjects. We are finalising the details of the Year 10, 2021 curriculum and will have that information out to you and your daughters in the next week.
As mentioned at the start of the article, we are not in a position to hold large gatherings of adults at school. However, if you do have any comments or queries, as always please do not hesitate to reach out for a discussion.
Dr John Fry
Deputy Principal