Coping with External Examination Workload
In a few short weeks, our Year 12 students will undertake their external examinations. They have done a lot of work in progressing to this point, so it is important to continue that momentum and fully prepare. These examinations can be daunting for many students. The level of required independence, curriculum difficulty as well as the pure volume of work are all issues to address. In these circumstances it is particularly important to exercise excellent time management. The regular and proper use of forward planning will improve students’ organisational skills considerably. Being fully prepared should also reduce anxious times when examination dates arrive. By prominently displaying visual planners in a student’s study area, positive study habits should be cultivated. A great many students now of course have regular use of smart phones. Using the calendars in their mobile phones will add to their awareness of what needs to be done and when.
An organised study timetable will help to effectively direct study time.
Have everything ready
Begin work immediately
Set your goals and plan for them
Re-evaluate your timetable at regular intervals
Minimise distractions
Plan your relaxation activities in advance
Plan for social commitments, communication and family responsibilities
Stop to sleep at a regular time each night
Read for enjoyment
Eat and exercise regularly
By consistently maintaining common sense study habits, each girl is giving herself the best possible chance of success. With study fatigue likely setting in for some, it is important to retain focus and project forward to the end. Whilst the coming weeks will be challenging, the planning and preparation undertaken now will reap rewards into the future.
Dr John Fry
Deputy Principal (Studies)