It is hard to believe that we find ourselves in November already, having held our final primary and secondary assemblies of the school year this week. It feels like just yesterday that we were welcoming one another back to a new school year, full of nerves, excitement and anticipation of what lay ahead in 2023.
Our last secondary assembly served as a reminder of the importance of making the most of each moment and every experience we have had throughout this year. While not all moments may have been enjoyable, each one has been a point in time and something from which we have learnt and grown. It is in these moments that we discover who we are, who we want to become and the legacies we wish to leave.
Our school motto, 'Clever, Confident, and Connected,' has been the guiding principle of our journey throughout the year. These three words remind us of the values and qualities we hold dear and how we approach our daily lives, approach situations, one another and apply ourselves to our learning and cocurricular endeavours. We have seen the embodiment of our motto displayed by students and staff in countless ways this year. Whether it was the clever solutions in the classroom, on the sporting field or on stage, the confidence shown when faced with challenges in teaching, learning or social interactions, or the connections built across year levels, with peers, staff or new families, it has been a year filled with remarkable achievements and personal growth.
This final fortnight ahead is a culmination of the year’s achievements and I look forward to sharing in these with staff, students and families. From our Year 12’s last week with Boarder’s Farewell Dinner and Graduation, Speech Night, Girls Rock, Prep - Year 4 Swimming Carnival, incoming boarder’s transition evening, Transition Day, Year 6 Graduation and School Party we have a packed schedule of events and celebrations to get through.
During both assemblies I talked about the warmth in which our girls welcome one another, regardless of year level and how important this will be on Wednesday 22 November for our transition day. This day will have all new students to our school in 2024 in attendance from Prep through to Year 12, with new parents and caregivers welcome on McKeague Deck with tea and coffee followed by an information session in McKeague Hall from 9.00am. Our new boarding families will remain throughout the morning and middle session to hear boarding specific information and to be able to access the Uniform Shop. On this day not only will we be welcoming new students but our two new primary teachers. In 2024 we welcome Mrs Nicola Simpson as our second Prep teacher (4 days/ week) alongside Ms Natalie Spence in the ELC. Mrs Jacqui Goltz, Director of Primary will share this class one day a week with Mrs Simpson. We also extend a warm welcome to Mrs Jessica Richards who is joining us as Year 5 teacher in 2024. With 20 years teaching experience across primary year levels and PE, and currently teaching Year 5 at St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, we are excited to welcome Mrs Richards and her daughters to the Girls Grammar community. I am confident all new students and staff will feel the warmth and spirit of inclusiveness and connection for which Girls Grammar is so fondly known.
Kara Krehlik