As we come to the end of Week 5 which signifies the middle of Term 2, we're looking forward to welcoming most of our girls back. In the last five weeks of term we have experienced so much change, and as we return to school you will notice some variations to our everyday routines. The school staff have been working hard to ensure our school is the safest place for our girls to return. We will be continuing with the good hygiene practices we established at the end of Term 1 and are implementing a few small changes to keep everyone safe and healthy. These changes have been implemented to minimise contact between girls, especially between different parts of the school.
We encourage our girls to look after themselves and each other. The most important thing they can do is to tell a parent, guardian or teacher if they are feeling sick.
As a school we have implemented the following:
cancelling school excursions, assemblies, sporting activities and other large gatherings
where possible, conducting lessons outdoors or in environments with enhanced ventilation
where possible, arranging classroom furniture to leave as much space as possible between students
encouraging non-contact greetings
as appropriate, submit student work digitally to a teacher for feedback rather than feedback being provided immediately by the teacher in close proximity to the student
cleaning play equipment between use
ensuring children wash their hands (or apply alcohol-based hand rubs) before and after using play equipment
excluding unwell children and staff
Maintaining our good hygiene practices include:
washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or using hand sanitiser, when entering school, and at regular intervals throughout the day particularly before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
coughing and sneezing into an elbow or a tissue
placing used tissues straight into the bin
avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth
not sharing food or drink
regular cleaning of personal devices (laptops, mobile phones, etc)
In the case of illness, the school is required to follow the Queensland government exclusion direction as outlined below:
“If an educator or staff member suspects a child in their care is unwell with a contagious illness, they must notify the parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must collect the child as soon as possible, and the child must not return to the school or early childhood service until they are well or enough time has passed that they are not contagious.”
Cooler Weather and Uniform
Now, as we return to Term 2 and starting to have some cool mornings, we need to be mindful to stay warm and this will include wearing a school jumper with day dress and formal uniform. Students in Year 7 to 12 may also wear their blazer, and senior students also have the availability of the senior cardigan. The school tracksuit top is only appropriate with the PE uniform. Our girls also need to be mindful of our expectations around the wearing of hair and jewellery. I would like our girls to pay attention to any temporary hair colours that may need to be washed out, appropriate earrings in the lower lobe only and no necklace to be visible with the school uniform.

Student Safety - Supervision
A friendly reminder to families that the school’s supervision commences at 8.00am each morning and concludes at 3.30pm. No grounds supervision is provided outside of these hours.
An Out of School Hours Care Program operates in the Early Learning Centre (ELC) and is available for students from Prep to Year 6. Girls Grammar offers supervised play in the morning from 7.15am. In addition, After School Care and Vacation Care are also offered. Before students attend OHSC all forms must be submitted. Children cannot attend this facility prior to completing an application form (even under emergency situations). Application forms are available at Reception or ELC.
Students may access the school library at the following times:
Monday – 8.00am to 3.00pm
Tuesday – 8.00am to 3.00pm
Wednesday – 8.00am to 4.00pm
Thursday – 8.00am to 4.00pm
Friday – 8.00am to 3.00pm
In the interests of the student’s safety, we request that students do not attend school outside of the hours of 8.00am to 3.20pm Monday to Friday unless they are boarding students, enrolled in OSHC or attending the library during supervised hours. When training and other co-curricular activities resume girls may continue to attend as per the training/playing roster as they will be supervised by the staff member responsible for the activity.
Mr Ryan Cheers
Deputy Principal - Students