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Rich Online Learning Environments - A Message from Deputy Principal

Instead of slowing down and easing into the holidays, our teaching staff have been working extra hard learning the ins and outs of online curriculum delivery. They spent days looking at the Microsoft Teams platform and the different ways in which we can interact with our girls in real time or in an offline model. We've investigated real time chat, video meetings, voice calls, document sharing and curating learning videos. Our teachers have shared their laptop screens via the video meetings, in the same way they would share their laptop screens on a projector in the classroom. We may not be in the same room, but we are still connected as a school community. My sincere thanks and appreciation to our staff for adapting to this situation in a most professional and passionate manner, always keeping the best interest of our girls in the forefront of all they do.

We've been working in various Microsoft programs looking at ways of sharing what would traditionally be done from the front of a classroom. We are looking at ways of making videos and audio recordings of lesson content that we can share in real time but also have available for students to watch later. Our current online model closely resembles a flipped classroom environment with a virtual connection.

It has been amazing to see so many of our girls connect in our test sessions from all parts of Queensland and even the Northern Territory. I've had the opportunity to meet many dogs and other pets via our virtual meetings that wouldn't happen in the normal school day.

It has been heart-warming to see the girls connect with their teachers in class in the class meetings but also to see them connect in one on one chat and small group chats with their friends.

They may be at home in isolation, but they are still connected. I encourage your girls to stay connected and share their experiences over the holidays, and I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus when we can. I wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter break.

Ryan Cheers

Deputy Principal (Acting)



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