School photos are almost upon us again! The school has engaged MSP Photography to create our school records this year and you are invited to purchase prints of your child.
On photo day, every student will be photographed regardless of whether you are purchasing or not.
Your child will bring home a personalised order envelope from the photographers. Please take care to read and follow all the instructions carefully. This will ensure your order is processed smoothly and efficiently and will help you to avoid any late fees.
You will have the option to order online or with cash in your student’s envelope. Please take care to follow the instructions carefully.
Additional order envelopes are available from the school office for separated parents, blended families and grandparents. You will need to collect these on or before photo day and give it to the photographer on photo day. Be sure to write “Mum’s order” or “Dad’s order” on top of your envelope.
To order a sibling or friends photo, please collect Sibling and Friends Order Envelope from the school office on or before photo day, or order it online at least 24 hours in advance. Please note: Sibling photos are only for siblings who all attend the school.
If your child has been photographed in a special group (ie sports team or leadership team), order envelopes will be available in the weeks following photo day. Please watch this newsletter for information when they will be available.
As school staff are unable to help with photography enquiries or payments, please direct your questions and comments directly to MSP Photography by phoning
4921 3355
Please be in Full Formal Uniform
Thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to a great photo day.
Keep smiling!!!