James Cook University (JCU) recently held the Heroes in Science Program in Townsville. From the one day program students gained unique insights into a career in science.
Students went from the lab and out into the field where they experienced how science informs decisions on conservation, climate change, urban growth and many other areas that affect not only global issues but our everyday lives.
Claudia Pienaar from our school was very fortunate to attend this one day program in Townsville.
The JCU heroes in science program is a great hands-on experience for fields such as geology, ecology, zoology, and mechanical engineering, whilst providing an overall view of any job in the realm of science. It allowed me to gauge further knowledge into the pathway that I would like to pursue myself, by talking to the current attending students that study the fields of science and listening to and participating in activities with my fellow peers and mentors. JCU choose a unique approach to showing these fields by setting an overall task, planning a suburb, and showing the various aspects that aren’t thought of but are essential in developing a safe and secure living and working area, including the preservation of the natural environment whilst subsequently protecting the people in the area from the dangerous natural hazards that affect them greatly. This leads to the use of our development skills on how to overcome these very real challenges and then sharing and improving our suburbs with peers and professionals to develop the safest and most economically sound suburb for that area. I recommend that anyone thinking about pursuing science attend and maybe it can help them as much as it helped me - Claudia.
If you are in Year 11 or 12 next year and are interested in applying you can register your interest for the 2023 program here https://experience.jcu.edu.au/heroesinscience
Travel scholarships are available to successful applicants that meet criteria.