Rockhampton Girls Grammar School is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven members appointed by the Governor in Council: three elected by subscribers or donors to the School, and four nominated by the Minister for Education and Minister for Industrial Relations, in consultation with the Board.
We are very pleased to announce that Ms Jennifer Luck, Mr Ross Johnson, Mr Kenneth Murphy, Mrs Anni Bastin-Byrne, Ms Hilarie Dunn, Mr Cale Dendle and Ms Alexandra Becker have been appointed as members to the Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School. To find out more on our Board Members, visit our website.
The School gratefully acknowledges the significant commitment and contribution of the outgoing Board members who did not seek reappointment, Mr Noel Livingston and Mrs Gail-Godwin Smith. We would like to welcome the two new members Mr Cale Dendle and Ms Alexandra Becker. We look forward to the strong governance stewardship of the School continuing during the coming four-year term, building on the significant work of the past as we enter in the 129th year of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School.
Clair Applewaite
Business Manager