It has been an eventful week and our boarding life continues to keep our girls busy. It was wonderful to see our girls performing in the musical last weekend. Over 70 boarders went to the performances to marvel at the talent our school was showcasing. That same evening the girls attended the Art show and the talent there was phenomenal.
The senior girls headed down to Yeppoon beach to chill out with some of the St Brendan’s boys, playing touch footy and beach volleyball. The boys cooked steak and sausage burgers and were terrific hosts for the afternoon. This weekend the junior girls will be heading down to do the same although we will have Kent, our chef, cooking bacon and egg burgers for all of us.
Allysah proudly represented RGGS at the Rotary competition on Tuesday.
We recognised academic effort and improvement on Wednesday at assembly and I happily played the proud ‘mother’ for all of our clever boarder girls.
CQ Rural Health ran an anxiety program for some of our girls this week and the feedback has been positive. In boarding we will continue to offer our girls workshops that they want and need.
Subject selection evenings were held during the week with all girls attending these important information sessions.
This weekend we are heading to the Park Run, shopping and night markets.
We farewelled our Oztag girls this morning as they headed off to the All Schools tournament at the Sunshine Coast. We wish them all well for the competition.
Deanne and I are heading to Emerald to meet with families tonight. We both really enjoy these opportunities to meet with our community.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding