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Principal's Final Address for 2019

As another successful school year at Girls Grammar comes to an end, the teachers are still hard at work finalising reports, and reflecting upon the year’s curriculum. Our Year 11 and 12 teachers are forward planning for the first round of ATAR external assessment to be held in Term 4 of 2020. You will find the Finance and Administration team on site until Friday 13 December, when the school officially closes until the New Year.

I take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for the care and support shown during 2019 and we look forward to an amazing 2020. Finally, we say good bye to Miss Hilary Fay, her passion and dedication to our primary school and her significant contribution to our extra-curricular program (including our small but talented rowing) will be missed. We wish her well in her future endeavours.

Wishing you all a peaceful and rejuvenating Christmas break.

Ryan Cheers

Principal (Acting)



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