This week Girls Grammar stakeholders have been involved in workshops to focus on the vision for our new master plan. There were groups from all parts of our school community invited to participate including day students (primary and secondary), boarding students (both junior and senior groups), staff, parents, old girls and the Executive team. Fulton Trotter Architects have been engaged by the Board of Trustees to prepare this plan. The development of a new Master Plan is a significant catalyst to engage in the exploration of possible preferred futures for our buildings and grounds.
To begin this consultation process, and to initiate discussion on the strategic direction, there was a questionnaire to give all participants a voice. All parents and staff were asked to participate in the survey. Thank you to those of you who responded. Outcomes of the survey were used as a starting point for the workshops held this week.
The main outcomes of the Master Plan process are to:
Identify a list of projects for the School
Prioritise facilities to cater for enrolment growth
Isolate possible sites within the current layout of the school that would be priorities for future projects
Articulate the key values and experiences at the core of a Rockhampton Girls Grammar School Education and support them in the design of the future built environment.
As a staff member and a member of the Executive I was part of the workshops this week. It was exciting to hear ideas and suggestions that were put forth. We look forward to hearing the feedback from this week’s workshops and gaining insights into our community’s priorities for facilities over coming years. Have a great weekend and we will see you at Bulls and Barrels.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding