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Curriculum Catch-Up

Well, we have finally made it. In this our final week of schooling, I would like to reflect on what has been a most unusual year. It is almost incomprehensible that when we commenced in January, things were as they always had been. The fact that COVID behaviours have become the new normal is a testament to humanity’s ability to adapt. As the situation worsened throughout Term 1, we had to move our pedagogy and practices at a pace that I had not previously seen in my 27 years of teaching. I would like to acknowledge the leadership of Deanne Johnston who rallied our staff and laid a clear, challenging yet achievable path to providing quality online learning at a standard well above our contemporaries. I would also like to publicly acknowledge the work of Ryan Cheers who provided staff with significant professional learning within a matter of days. I genuinely believe that Girls Grammar handled this crisis better than any other school. That success is a reflection of the unique community of Girls Grammar. From leadership, through teachers, parents and of course students, everyone had their part to play. Cooperation from all was required for success. I hope that parents got to witness the mutual trust between your daughters and their teachers. I got to sit in on quite a few online lessons and was pleased to see not only the quality of learning but also the quality of interactions between students and teachers. Quite a bit of patience was required and quite a bit was given. As I have previously stated, 2020 will rightly be remembered negatively for the worldwide impact of COVID. However, I will always temper that thought with the way the Girls Grammar community reacted and turned problems into opportunities. I look forward to meeting with you all again in 2021.

Dr John Fry

Deputy Principal - Studies



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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