Term 1 has been a busy time full of learning and achievements for our girls. Whilst we are having a somewhat rockier than anticipated ending to the term, it is worth reflecting upon the girls’ achievements and to look forward to key events in Term 2.
After the circumstances of 2020, it was wonderful to be able to welcome you, our parents, back onto the school campus. We hosted several events including orientations and investiture. It was also pleasing to see parents able to attend our academic assembly where we recognised the academic improvements and achievements of our students from Semester 2, 2020. Whilst we are no longer able to offer face to face Learning Conversations this Thursday, we hope many of you take the opportunity to discuss your daughter’s academic progress in the online environment. Please remember to take advantage of this opportunity by emailing your daughter’s teachers.
We have several big academic events coming in Term 2 for which specific details will follow. Our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will be sitting annual NAPLAN testing from 11-13 May. Whilst the opinions of NAPLAN continue to polarise, from Girls Grammar’s point of view, we see it as an opportunity to provide us with information about your daughter’s academic progress along with our educational practices. We encourage all students to participate but also acknowledge there can be valid reasons for withdrawal. Please watch out for specific communications about NAPLAN early in Term 2. Other academic events will include Maths Teams Challenges and the National Simultaneous Storytime.
I would like to thank parents for your continuing support of Girls Grammar in our work educating your daughters. The trust you place in us is at the forefront of our minds with every decision we make. Whether it be supporting us in ensuring your daughter attends each and every day or in making sure she has proper opportunity to study appropriately at home, we value the partnership of girl-parent-school.
I would like to personally wish all girls and families a safe, relaxing and well-earned Easter break.
Dr John Fry
Deputy Principal - Studies