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Curriculum Catch-Up

Why is educating girls so important?

I frequently muse on how lucky we are to have been to be born into this time and place. There has never been a time in history where the developed world has had such relative wealth, choice and healthy living conditions. This is particularly true for Australia and even more so for Central Queensland. However, there is still work to be done. I have often discussed the advantages of girls only education. In this article I want to look at the reasons why these advantages are so important.

Every girl has a right to learn and get a good quality education, regardless of where they live or their circumstances. Unfortunately, not every girl gets these opportunities, and some do not receive the education they deserve. Educated girls make informed choices from a better range of options as women. Educating girls results in stronger families, communities and economies.

Education for girls increases productivity and contributes to economic growth. In 2021, women are still not in the labour market to the same level as men, yet many studies show there are economic benefits when women are positioned to join the workforce. Educating girls increases Australia’s productivity and contributes to its economic growth. A woman with a high-level education will have the opportunity to get a more fulfilling occupation with higher wages. Higher levels of education have a great positive impact on women's wages. According to an International Labour Organization report, "Educating girls has proven to be one of the most important ways of breaking poverty cycles and is likely to have significant impacts on access to formal jobs in the longer term.”

When girls have a positive schooling experience, they grow into women who have more say over their lives and have an increased sense of their worth and capabilities. They are less likely to be subjected to domestic violence and will participate more in household decision-making. Education helps women to gain the skills needed to take on leadership roles at all levels. Better-educated girls and women are more likely to join organisations where they take part in making decisions that affect their lives and those of their communities.

With an education, girls will understand their rights, have a greater sense what is needed to support health and wellbeing, and they will have greater opportunities to be employed in a fulfilling way.

Dr John Fry

Deputy Principal - Studies



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