I am constantly amazed at how fast the weeks flash by. It is now Week 5 and Assessment Week is almost upon us. Week 7 will see students in Year 7 to 10 complete most of their assessment for Term 3. lt would be beneficial for students to revisit some effective exam and study strategies to help in the lead up to this time of term.
Study space – create a study environment that you will want to work in. Buy yourself some new stationery or notebooks and set them up ready to go, grab a glass of water and settle down to committed, purposeful time to review and consolidate the content of each subject.
Allocate time to study – don’t cram. Allow yourself time to revisit the content you need for your exam or assessment item. Studying is best completed in spaced intervals throughout the term. Review your work a day after first being introduced to the content, then a week, then 2 weeks etc. This allows for a consistent review of content and processes required for the task. Never leave your revision until the night before.
Create ‘deep’ notes from your class notes not just ‘shallow’ rewrites. Flowcharts, graphic organisers, summary tables, doodle/journal notes, and concept maps have all been shown to be more effective than just rewriting your notes from class. These approaches allow you to link ideas and content, deepening your understanding of the subject matter.
Complete revision questions that cover all aspects of your learning not just recall. Attempt allocated questions that ask you to apply, analyse and evaluate your knowledge or a scenario in relation to a topic.
Seek out support or attend tutorial sessions. Teachers offer tutorials for various subjects after school and are available to help you further develop your understanding in each subject.
Look after yourself. Remember to eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise and rest adequately. Losing those eight hours of sleep cramming the night before your science exam is not going to help you.
Remember your exam strategies and above all remain calm.
a. Read all questions – circle or highlight key words and instructions
b. Answer the easy questions first then attempt the ones you find more challenging
c. For multiple choice questions eliminate the two answers that are incorrect then select the most appropriate
d. Always use the time you are given. When you are finished read over all questions and your responses again.
And remember, your teachers are here to help you succeed. If you would like more information or help with any of the strategies mentioned in this article don’t be afraid to ask. Your Care Teachers and Subject Teachers are a great place to start.
Christie Dey
Director of Middle Years