With exams and assignments behind us and only a few days until the end of semester, it is important for us to move into the holidays with a sense of purpose.
The upcoming holiday break is a great opportunity to take some time out and reflect on the hectic Semester 1 that is now behind us. It is also a time to reconnect with family and friends. For those of us who can, I strongly recommend maintaining as much face to face contact with our friends as possible. In person or online make the most of your connections.
Take some time to refocus and recalibrate your goals for 2020. Nothing has gone to plan this year and that is OK! Give yourself some small achievable goals, not just academic but personal goals also.
Walk more
Read a book for fun
Get to know someone new
Learn a new skill
Study in a group more
Do more individual revision
Get more sleep
Make more time for me
Celebrate your achievements so far this year, no matter how small. Each little achievement adds up and adds to your self-esteem. Create a vision board for the rest of 2020. Include your short term and long term goals. Have a constant visual reminder, it is a great way to keep you focused and maintain a positive attitude. The combination of a vison board and a weekly timetable is a sure fire way to start Semseter 2 with renewed vigour.
I wish you all a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday break – you deserve it. Have fun, stay connected and stay safe. (avoid those crazy tik tok challenges!)
See you all when we return for Term 3 and hopefully back to a close to normal routine.
Ryan Cheers
Deputy Principal - Students