The beginning of term is an opportune time to remind families of safety around parking at school.
Rockhampton Girls Grammar School has a number of designated pick-up and drop-off areas to keep families and students safe:
1. Agnes St Bus Zone (Directly out the front of Paterson House)
is a 2-minute pick up and drop off zone between 7.30am and 9.00am and 2.30pm and 4.00pm.
Please do not park in this area
Our bus transport service takes priority in the bus zone, please keep this area clear unless directed by the staff member on duty
2. Agnes St Stop Drop Go Zone
Starts from the McKeague building and travels back toward Archer St
Students from Years 4 to 12 are required to utilise this drop off and pick up zone
A designated staff member will be on duty to ensure the flow of traffic
Please keep the entrance and exit to the staff car parks clear during drop off and pick up times
Please do not pick up or drop off students in the staff car park
3. ELC Car Park
Students in Prep to Year 3 (and their siblings) may use the ELC bottom car park area
Please follow the directions of staff on duty
Rockhampton Regional Council have also provided information on parking around schools to share with the School community.
Kasey Mitchell
Facilities & Services Manager