Rockhampton Girls Grammar School is one of eight original grammar schools in Queensland. These schools were established under the Grammar Schools Act 1860 during the first session of the new colony’s first parliament. The School is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of seven members, four of whom are Ministerial appointments and three are elected by financial subscribers to the School. Elections are held every four years with the Board Secretary as the returning officer. Only persons listed on the Register of Donors and Subscribers are eligible for nomination and to have voting rights in these elections. The School is inviting all interested parents and community members to join the list of subscribers.
The benefits of becoming a School subscriber include: eligibility to be nominated for a position on the Board of Trustees and supporting school programs and school values. The benefits to the School include: a large pool of potential Board members, allowing diversity of experiences and expertise so the Board of Trustees of the School continues to reflect the best and brightest from Queensland for continuing good governance.
The next election will take place during Term 3, 2024 and the listing is currently open to additions.
Parents and other interested parties may become subscribers and thus eligible for nomination and voting in a Board election by donating $50.00 or more to the School Building Fund. Payment of fees by parents does not qualify them for entry on the Register of Donors and Subscribers. Those families who have opted into the School Building Fund and made payment as part of their school fees will automatically be included in the register of subscribers. Donations may be paid by cash, credit card or cheque at the School, by mail or telephone, with cheques made payable to Rockhampton Girls Grammar School Building Fund. These donations will be tax deductible and will be used by the Board to help fund the School Building Development program. Donations are required to be received by the School by Monday 04 March 2024. Please send your donation to:
Secretary to the Board of Trustees
Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
PO Box 776
Rockhampton Qld 4700
Please ensure the following information is also given:
· Full Name
· Mailing Address
· Telephone and Fax numbers
· Email contact
For further information, please contact Mrs Joanne Winter, Secretary to the Board of Trustees on BusinessManager@rggs.qld.edu.au or 07 4930 0968.
Joanne Winter
Business Manager