Club Netball
We had a great turn out at the Club Netball trials on Saturday. Selectors were really impressed with the level of skill and commitment on display. The second QISSN trial is happening today in Clubs and once finalised the teams will be sent out in the coming days for player registrations to begin.
We are still looking for two or three players in the 7-8 years age division to play Monday evenings. If you would like to sign your daughter up, please email ClubNetball@rggs.qld.edu.au as soon as possible.
Please remember, RGGS teams will be starting in the week of 28 February. Coaches will contact players and parents regarding trainings days prior to this.
Club Touch
The Rockhampton Touch competition was impacted heavily with COVID absences last night for our first round, as many fields were bare due to forfeits. Luckily, our RGGS teams had plenty of girls available and some high quality games were played. It was great to see our RGGS Navy team with new players having their first run around at touch. They improved significantly during the game, and I can’t wait to see how far they progress during the season. Well done to all.
Club Oztag
The girls started strong for their first round of Oztag this week. With a wide range of playing levels in each team and two very experienced coaches, the players will continue to grow each week and I can’t wait to see their improvements. The season ahead is looking promising with the skill levels that were on display.
Reminder regarding Parent Lounge processes
Just a friendly reminder to parents that event invitations need to be either accepted or declined in Parent Lounge. Invitations are only sent out for whole school activities or for activities that your daughter has signed up for.
If you do not approve participation in the activity, please select decline. Acceptance is required for all cocurricular activities that are off-site or are high risk, girls will not be allowed to participate unless approval has been received through Parent Lounge. Please do not leave invitations sitting in your invited list, we think you haven’t gotten to it yet and will continue to email reminders out for you to respond.
The parent information letter emailed out with the event invitation will have all the required information regarding starting dates and costs. Coaches will be in contact prior to training sessions starting with the required details for those. Please read these letters carefully.
Secondary students are emailed game times and training reminders on a weekly basis. They need to be checking emails daily and noting this information in their planner and/or forwarding these emails on to parents.
Rockhampton District School Sport (RDSS) Representative Selections
Congratulations to Leah (Year 11) on her Softball selections. Leah was selected in the RDSS softball team, which travelled to Mackay on Tuesday to trial for Capricornia. Leah was successful and will now represent Capricornia at the State Titles from March 24-27 at Redlands. Good Luck Leah.
Congratulations to Lola (Year 9) and Abbey (Year 7) on their selections in the Rockhampton and District 13-15 years Football team. We wish them luck when they travel to Mackay later this month for the Capricornia trials.
Congratulations to all other students that have represented RGGS at a range of RDSS trials over the last two weeks. The experience is good for your development, and I am sure you will have represented us with pride.
Upcoming trials:
Monday 21 February - AFL 13-15 years and 10-12 years (forms must be back by Friday 18 February at the absolute latest)
Tuesday 22 February - Basketball 10-12 years (forms must be back by Friday 18 February at the latest)
Wednesday 23 February - Touch Football 10-12 years - first trial
Thursday 24 February - Volleyball 12-15 years and 16-19 years
Friday 25 February - Touch Football 10-12 years - shortlisted students only
This is also a friendly reminder that day students are required to have their own transport to and from trials. Students also need to wear their RGGS sport uniform to all RDSS trials.
RDSS trials permission forms (available from our website) need to be into RGGS three days prior to the trial. If selected for an RDS team, the forms are required into RGGS one week prior to the Capricornia trial date.
Greta Doherty
Director of Sport