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Rockhampton Girls Grammar: Sporting Spotlight

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

Primary Swimming Carnival 2022

The Girls Grammar pool was the place to be on Monday with the girls participating in the annual Inter House Primary Swimming Carnival.

All girls swam in four events with the pool pony race being hotly contested, although some of the names of the ponies were creative or interesting to say the least.

The freestyle races in all age groups displayed the incredible improvement in stroke technique from all year levels.

The girls all competed with true Girls Grammar spirit and enjoyment with Williams and Paterson House sharing the the overall aggregate winners of the PYE CUP.

Smith House was judged the winner of the House Spirit award in a closely contested competition.

Swimming Age Champion were awarded to:

5 Years

Madina Elkhishin

Smith House

6 Years

Eve Simpson

Downs House

7 Years

Lucy Brown

Williams House

8 Years

Michaela Prasad

Downs House

9 Years

Sissy Ward

Paterson House

10 Years

Belle Brandon

Williams House (awarded at the Senior Carnival)

Thanks to all primary staff and Miss Maddi for your assistance in conducting a fantastic 2022 Primary Swimming Carnival.

Junior Touch Grand Finals

After another fabulous season of junior touch, it was great to see so many families out supporting our players on Saturday morning in their grand final games.

With a lot of new faces this season, the 14yrs team played their hearts out every week, improving week by week.

Unfortunately, the grand final always falls on Speech Night, so it was a mad scramble to organise fill-in players to ensure we could field a team. Thank you to those players that made themselves available and congratulations on being runners up on the night.

MVP for the season was Bria and player of the final was Grace.

The 8yrs, 10yrs and 12yrs teams all played their Grand Final matches in the heat on Saturday morning.

The 8yrs team

The 8yrs team came up against Joeys Jasmine’s in Division 5. We have had many tough games against this team throughout the season with results going either way or ending in a draw.

A few missed scoring opportunities early turned out to be the thing that hurt us in the end, going down 4-6.

Tiffany was player of the final and Indee was MVP for the season.

The 10 yrs team

RGGS Blazers in the 10yrs age group earnt a spot in the Division 5 grand final, coming up against St Peters Galaxy.

This game was a very close battle and went try-for-try for most of the game.

St Peters scored right at the end to take out the title, leaving the Blazers girls with runner up honours.

Player of the final was Pippa and Ava was MVP for the season.

The 12yrs team

Lastly, the 12yrs team were the heroes of the day playing with only six players.

The girls were very brave to play such a tough game with no subs and two girls fighting on through head colds.

In a gallant effort, the girls went down to a very fast and well-drilled Rebels team. Player of the final was Laine and the MVP for the season was Isabel.

Grand Final Day

As always on Grand Final day, Rockhampton Touch supplied a free sausage sizzle and icy poles, which we took full advantage of after the games.

The girls would like to give a big thank you to all the supporters for getting them to trainings and games, and for cheering them on each week.

Thank you to Kurt, Nicola, Mackinley, Curtis, and Nikki for filling in on the weeks I was unavailable.

A massive thank you also to Danny Mitchell for coaching the 10s and 14s teams all season, I really appreciate all your time and effort.

I hope to see everyone back bigger and better in 2023!

Representative Sport Procedures for 2023

The Rockhampton and District School Sport representative trials procedures have changed for 2023.

Students that wish to trial for a particular sport are required to have their parents complete the trials consent booklet electronically and return to (please do not send these consent booklets to Reception or any other RGGS email, they must come to the sport email).

This consent booklet needs to be downloaded directly from the Capricornia School Sport website by clicking here.

One consent booklet needs to be completed for each sport trial the student wants to attend.

Once returned to the RGGS Sport email address, the forms will be signed by the Director of Sport and the Principal.

We will then print a copy and give to the student to take to their trial.

A paper copy must be handed in at the trial or students won’t be allowed to trial, no exceptions.

The trial calendars are located on the Girls Grammar website under the resources tab.

These calendars have the date, time, venue of the trial, and list the nomination deadline for returning the consent booklet to RGGS.

The consent booklets can be completed and returned at any time before the nomination deadline, the earlier the better.

If you know your daughter is going to trial for a sport in August, you can complete the consent booklet and send back now.

Please note if completing the consent booklet on a mobile phone, you will need to download the Adobe Fill and Sign app.

You may also like to follow Rockhampton District School Sport on Facebook for any updates and changes to trial information.

Scott Fuller Greta Doherty

HPE Teacher Director of Sport



Enrolling your daughter at Girls Grammar has never been easier. Contact us today to find out how. 

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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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