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Stem Focus

STEM continues to be a focus at Girls Grammar. We have many exciting events and opportunities for the girls, and staff, to be part of. Last week, The STEAM Club hosted Miss Schultz when she was interested in learning more about lenses. She joined the club for a first-hand experience dissecting a cow’s eye. She was able to observe the retina and then used the extracted lens to magnify text from some printed materials.

We are also pleased to announce that Claudia and Hadasshah have been successful in their applications to the National Youth Science Forum. The NYSF Year 12 Program offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. The program will run between 10 – 24 January 2023 and will be delivered as a mixed-mode experience – a combination of in-person and digital events.

At the program, Claudia and Hadasshah will have opportunities to:

  • participate in tours of science and technology facilities,

  • learn about cutting edge research,

  • engage with industry partners and research providers,

  • learn about university and STEM career pathways,

  • mix with other like-minded students from all over Australia, and

  • network with former NYSF participants to further increase understanding of STEM-related study and career experiences.

Mathematics in the real world was a common theme again this year in the Mathematics Department. Miss Evetts implemented a new extension maths program in the mornings for Years 7 to 10, focusing on problem-solving and teamwork. Problem-solving and modelling tasks have also been introduced for the Year 8 to 10 students. These tasks are reflective of the assignments in the senior curriculum. By exposing the students to this type of assessment early, it will allow them to be more engaged and comfortable with the content at the senior level. The tasks this year involved analysing the number of pets in each family, measuring the height of buildings around the school, and planning budgets for a holiday to Japan. We have also seen a growth in the number of students taking on the more challenging mathematical subjects (Methods and Specialist) in Senior as well as those coming into Year 10 next year. This is great to see our students showing such confidence and engagement in maths.

More great activities and opportunities will continue to be available to students in 2023. By applying for such experiences like Science Camps and NYSF, students are extending themselves and creating connections. These sometimes prove to be networks that last a lifetime.

Christie Dey

Director of Middle Years

8 Care

7 Technology

11, 12 Chemistry



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