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Speech Night 2019

Our whole School community came together on Friday 15 November for our biggest whole school celebration for the year.

Our 128th Speech Night was a showcase of Academic, Cultural, Sporting and Citizenship achievements. Highlights included our Primary School Choir performances and our acclaimed Bella Voce group who performed 'How Can You Catch the Wind?". We welcomed back 2008 Helen E Downs Prefect, Kelsie Melrose (nee Ford), whose simple message of 'Take responsibility and control of your life' was greatly received. It was also a chance to acknowledge excellence with the awarding of our highest colours - Shaw Honours. A very special congratulations must go to our deserving Dux of the School, Isla Houston and Gloria Hansen Memorial Bursary (Second in Year 12) recipient, Tehila Rasin.

We also took the opportunity for outgoing prefects to welcome our 2020 school leaders into their roles. The selection of Jemma Green and Molly Harwood as 2020 Head Girls was received with a standing ovation. Finally, Leah McBride presented a valedictory speech on behalf of her Year 12 peers at the conclusion of the evening, before our graduating cohort of 2019 led the final procession of the night.

For full list of award winners, please view our Speech Night Program



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