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A Word from our Acting Principal - Connections with the Central West

There’s something about a Western sky at dawn and dusk. An iconic part of being ‘in the bush’ as the horizon shines with brilliant hues of pink, orange, red and blue.

This week I’ve had the privilege of representing Rockhampton Girls Grammar School at Barcaldine’s Westech Field Days. This landmark event in the Central West of Queensland is held only every three years, much the same as our iconic Beef Week. Scheduled for last year, it didn’t go ahead as planned due to Covid so there was much excitement and anticipation about this year’s event.

Alongside our Community Liaison Officer Rachel Hinton, we proudly represented our school and promoted the bright, sunny and happy colour of marigold amongst the various other trade stalls. We took great enjoyment in meeting locals, networking with fellow school representatives and other rural businesses and connecting with Girls Grammar families past, present and future. It was very exciting to meet and build connections with families and students who are beginning their Girls Grammar journey with us in the new year.

As outlined in our motto ‘Clever, Confident and Connected’, connections are such an important and highly valued part of our school, not just for our girls currently enrolled but for families, Old Girls and staff who all play a role across our school community. Community events such as these that are held in regional centres are fundamental to establishing and maintaining strong connections with our regional families and it was an absolute pleasure to do so while in Barcaldine. On a personal note it brought back many fond memories from my time as a teacher in Cloncurry and Longreach and served as a great opportunity to see a number of familiar faces and reconnect with old friends and colleagues from those cherished times in the outback. I very much look forward to building more connections and seeing many more of our families past, present and future during regional Girls Grammar Get-togethers across 2022. We are always open to suggestions on tours, trade fairs and shows to attend to see as many families as we can face to face, so please get in contact and let us know.

Throughout this week connections were formed and strengthened between peers and staff for Years 4, 5, 6 and 7 during their respective camps. Attendance at school camps allows students to interact with each other in different settings, improving their social skills and connections. By connecting with one another we strengthen our relationships and our health. Research shows that the strength of our relationships affects our mental and physical wellbeing. Links between social connections and positive mental health include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships. Many of these benefits can make us happier and they also have a flow on effect, whereby people who are around us will want to spend time with us. Social connectedness generates a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

As we break for the September school holidays I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to the students, staff and families of Girls Grammar for the many social and educational connections formed. It is these social connections and relationships based on trust and cooperation that make it a joy to call Girls Grammar not a workplace, but a positive, supportive, collaborative and happy environment I have the pleasure of attending each day. Stay safe, happy and healthy and I look forward to welcoming everyone back for Term 4.

Kara Krehlik

Acting Principal



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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