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A Word from our Principal

In the words of Bill Gates, "We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”

Thank you to the parents, students and staff who engaged in the school results survey at the end of last term. Your responses have provided valuable feedback across a range of categories all highly important within our school. The key areas of questions asked of parents and students included Rockhampton Girls Grammar School’s Values and Culture, Leadership and Direction, Communication, Curriculum, Cocurriculum, Learning and Extension, Teaching Standards, Learning Environment, Resources and Facilities, Homework, Reporting, Pastoral Care/Wellbeing, Student Transition, Student Engagement and Parent Engagement.

To follow on from my newsletter article a couple of weeks ago where I highlighted some key aspects of the parent results, I wanted to provide a broader overview from all three groups surveyed. These results were reviewed with staff during Monday afternoon’s professional learning session along with reviewing the Action Plan created from staff results.

A summary of the results from this year show:

Parent Responses: Results received from 227 out of 531 eligible respondents from 289 families (42.7% response rate) with an overall satisfaction score of 81%.

Student Responses: Results received from 216 out of 284 eligible respondents from 289 families (76.1% response rate) with an overall satisfaction score of 75%.

Staff Responses: Results received from 77 out of 104 eligible respondents (74% response rate) with an overall satisfaction score of 80%.

Areas that received the highest scores from parents were:

  • Values and culture

  • School communication

  • Learning environment

  • Resources and facilities

Areas identified for improvement according to parent responses are:

  • Learning and extension

  • Pastoral care/wellbeing

  • Student engagement

  • Parent engagement

Areas receiving the highest scores from students were:

  • Values and culture

  • Cocurriculum

  • Learning

  • Resources and facilities

  • Reporting

  • Student engagement

Identified areas for improvement based on student responses are:

  • Leadership and direction

  • Curriculum

  • Homework

  • Behaviour

  • Parent engagement

The staff survey categories and questions differed slightly from parents and students and areas identified with the highest scores from staff were:

  • Organisation

  • School leadership

  • Procedures

  • Equality

For staff, the areas identified for improvement are:

  • Communication

  • Training/ PD

  • Career advancement

  • Team leadership

I strongly believe that in order to take the correct next steps to improve in specific areas, it is essential to be clear and transparent in the communication of these. This improves awareness and accountability and provides us with clarity on where to direct our focus.

In response to scores, the Executive Team have developed a Review and Action Plan for each group of survey participants. I will be presenting the Parent Review and Action Plan at this week’s P&F meeting and this is what we will be basing further improvements on. The Staff Review and Action Plan was unpacked at this week’s professional learning session and the Student Review and Action Plan will be presented at next week’s assembly.

As you can see there is much to celebrate. Which is a testament to our school community and the opportunities and experiences provided to everyone who is a part of it. To conclude, I would like to leave you with the words of students, parents and staff in response to “what do you like most about Rockhampton Girls Grammar School?” I hope the responses provide a smile and emotive reaction just as they did for me.

From students:

I like the caring staff and students that will always make you feel welcome i love the afterschool sports that we are given like netball I'm also grateful for the amazing food we get and all the fun activities in the year like the primary social easter bonnet parade and mothers high tea

I love the food at the canteen and the girls who go to this wonderful school Is just so fun, kind and makes everyone feel welcomed.

I love this school because you get more time with the teachers because of the small classes and it feels homey and like a family

I most like about rggs is the experiences you gain, both good and bad that you can take with you throughout your life.

I most like that it is encouraged that we do our best in our school work and we strive to do our best.

From parents:

Class sizes, caring nature across the year levels, advancement with classes in specialist teaching areas, smaller school where everyone know our children, sister program, girls grammars history and traditions, pool onsite, single sex, quiet classes, affordable fees.

Community, connection and traditions. Their is a connection of Old Girls through the Board, Teachers, staff and current families who will continue with these values.

From the moment we engaged with the school through the Prep tea parties and now half way through the year, the students and teachers demonstrate a sense of belonging, connection and community spirit that I have never experienced before. We admire the efforts of everyone who keep these values strong.

I really like the long and proud history of the school and how the current leadership and staff ensure that this is not lost and a sense of pride is maintained. I like the 'boutique' nature and feel to the school and the close and nurturing support my daughter feels.

From staff:

The feeling of community. I love the students. I love the team I work with.

Our small class sizes that allow us to develop authentic relationships with our students and their families; our high level of behaviour standards; the team of teachers I work with, who are not only colleagues but friends; flexibility in developing our own teaching units and being treated as professionals and can manage this ourselves;

I enjoy the ability to take advantage of creative liberties within my job to deliver content in meaningful ways which may not be possible in other settings. The support from IT and the autonomy granted to me with my teaching practices allows me to adapt teaching to students and their needs without fear of constantly having to justify my work. I am a trusted professional in my work setting.

I enjoy the crossover between primary and secondary; i enjoy the 'smallness' of the school in relation to the other high schools in Rockhampton. I enjoy the familiarity and relationships between staff and students and boarding, when it is respectful and relevant. I enjoy being able to teach my subjects.

The calm and supportive environment, where students and parents value the opportunity they have and positive staff who realize and appreciate how good they've got it.

Kara Krehlik



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