This week on assembly Dr Fry spoke about being prepared for assessment block and study in general. Three key factors affect effective study – organisation, avoiding disruptions and memorisation. The first two points are particularly pertinent in boarding. We have 88 boarders over seven year levels that we support with our study program. The younger students have their study in two sessions, one before dinner and one after. The senior students do a two hour block in their rooms after dinner. This is to cater for the differing abilities to remain focused for long lengths of time. The year 6 -9’s study in the classroom which gives them the perfect environment to remain focused. The senior girls study in their rooms, at their desks with their bedroom doors ajar. This allows staff to supervise without interrupting them with the opening and closing of their doors.
The girls in boarding need to organise themselves to be ready to start prep on time. This means having all of their resources, handing in their phone, and thinking ahead to any other activities that may occur during the study session. i.e. wearing uniforms and correct footwear for heading to sport. Girls Grammar girls are learning independence and forward planning that day girls may not need to consider. The boarders are expected to check the bus schedule to know when they are required to head to the bus. Boarding families put in leave in advance for these activities so that the transport and late dinner arrangements can be made. Our boarders are learning to be very organised.
Having said that our Girls Grammar girls are involved in a myriad of activities including rugby, touch football, water polo, netball, dancing, work, traineeships, medical appointments, music practice and so much more. This affects the second point that Dr Fry spoke about – avoiding distractions. Once the girls return from these commitments they are expected to come back, shower, eat their dinner and settle into their studies quickly without disturbing the other girls who are studying. Community living means girls need to be mindful of how their actions affect their peers. The senior girls are encouraged to study outside designated prep times if they miss prep due to other commitments. We also help them to avoid distractions by collecting the girls phones during study. Our girls are organised, confident and looking ahead. These are vital attributes for life as they move on from our boarding community after graduation.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding