As most of the girls head into assessment block next week, creating a good study environment is important both at home and in boarding. There are the obvious physical requirements that are recommended including a decent desk, good lighting, power points, ventilation and an ergonomically sound chair. In the boarding house environment there needs to be quiet time where our girls can engage in uninterrupted study. At Girls Grammar this happens during study time and in the days leading up to exam and assessment blocks. The girls can access information via their computers, staff and their peers. We ask that the girls wishing to work collaboratively do so in the common areas. This then discourages interruptions for the girls working in their rooms. Studying together is therefore a decision made by all participants involved. We also ask that the girls leave their bedroom doors open during study so that staff can float past without disturbing the girls. The junior boarders study in a classroom environment and are able to ask for help from peers and staff. There is regular communication between the Girls Grammar teaching staff and boarding staff. Teachers will let boarding staff know if work is due so this can be followed up during study or over the weekends. Girls understand that they miss out on activities if they have work outstanding. This often motivates the girls to get their work done in a timely manner. In recent times the use of computers for watching movies or other distractions has become a concern for both educators and families. The willpower to not get distracted needs to be strong. Our staff move around during study time to discourage this. Developing good study habits is a life-long skill we hope to develop in our boarders.
Wishing our girls all the best next week with assessment. Have a fantastic weekend.
Stacey McCarthy
Head of Boarding