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Curriculum Catch-Up

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all families for 2021. The start of a new year brings fresh minds and fresh starts. Every single Girls Grammar girl will be excited for all opportunities in the year ahead. Whether it be our Prep students commencing their schooling journey or our Year 12s commencing their final year, I am confident of success. We start 2021 with many continuing families but also a significant number of new ones. I look forward to working with all to maximise each girl’s academic achievement.

At the commencement of the 2021 academic year, it is worth reflecting on some of the academic highlights from 2020. It was a delight to see the successes of our seniors of 2020. Our girls continued the achievements of their internal assessments with high marks in external examinations. This in turn was reflected in positive QCE, ATAR and QTAC outcomes. We welcomed back over 20% of the 2020 seniors for our first assembly of the year where we acknowledge their success in achieving ATARs over 90.00. Our Dux Chloe Cowan’s ATAR put her above 99.45% of other students in the state which is a remarkable achievement. Chole also was awarded the Certificate of Academic Commendation from QCAA. Two students achieved perfect scores (100/100) in Music Extension (Performance) and several others scored 98 or 99 in other subjects. In General subjects, about 60% of awarded grades were in the A and B range. For applied subjects, half of the grades awarded were in the A range. At the time of writing, it is estimated that about 80% of our students will receive their first university preference.

We were delighted to see successes celebrated in ICAS testing from the University of NSW. Our students achieved results from Credit to High Distinction in areas including Science, Mathematics, Spelling and English.

135 academic awards (medallions and colours) were awarded to students from Year 4 to 12 in 2020.

We are delighted to have Christie Dey and Jacqui Goltz join our leadership team in their roles of Director of Middle School and Director of Primary respectively. Jacqui (Prep to Year 6) and Christie (Year 7-9) will work closely with myself and Deputy Principal – Students, Kara Krehilk to ensure your daughters needs are met.

Please feel free to contact me for advice about academics specific to your daughter’s needs.

Dr John Fry

Deputy Principal - Studies



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Board of Trustees of Rockhampton Girls Grammar School trading as Rockhampton Girls Grammar School
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