Term 2 has begun in the middle of very interesting times. We have moved very quickly to an online environment with our teachers working on upskilling in software and pedagogy since late Term 1. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for their overwhelming positivity and willingness to put in a great deal of extra work for your daughters. As is often the case, times of change can bring uncertainty and the potential for stress and anxiety. However, it also brings great potential for innovation and learning. This is equally true for teachers and students. The atmosphere here on campus is decidedly different with a significantly lower number of students attending. However, what is interesting is the tremendous positivity and general willingness from staff and students to work together to get the best possible outcomes for your daughters. We certainly acknowledge that nothing can beat face to face teaching and the social benefits that brings. If online learning was superior, then we would all have moved to it long ago. It has been lovely to see all the smiling faces as our girls connect again with their teachers and their peers. The operation of the academic school is continuing in its current timetable and each teacher is continuing to teach each lesson. For our younger students who are not ready to work online, we truly appreciate the significant efforts parents are making to ensure their daughters are accessing the curriculum that our teachers are providing. On Wednesday we implemented a survey of our students to gauge how they are coping with the change. The responses were astoundingly positive. We have asked students how we can offer them further support and we are now acting upon their feedback. Over the coming weeks we will be asking for feedback from students, parents and staff to ensure we continue to provide the best quality educational experience for your daughters.
Dr John Fry
Deputy Principal - Studies