On Tuesday evening, 22 August, the Girls Grammar Instrumental Music Program held a Progress Concert in our Musical Performance Room. Parents and friends were in attendance to support our talented group of girls and were treated with beautifully practiced performances.
The 20 girls participating comprised of both primary and secondary students and all showcased their chosen talent confidently. The audience was also treated to a performance from the Girls Grammar string ensemble at the start of the concert.
Sophie Pelizzari captured memories on film, while Kara-Lee Buckton was our compere for the evening - thank you girls.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the parents for their continued support of this program.
Also, a huge thank you to our Musical Tutors, Christina Bond, Aleisha Cesar and Alyssa Black for passing on their passion for music to our students and always bringing out the best in them.
Ellena Price
Payroll, Daily Organiser and Administrative Assistant